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Between April 2012 and January 2016, I conducted over 60 hours of video interviews as well as lengthy telephone interviews with Birch Bayh, Bayh family members, a number of former Bayh staff members, political associates and former Senate colleagues.


Bayh family members interviewed were his wife Katherine “Kitty” Bayh and his son, former Indiana Governor and U.S. Senator Evan Bayh.


The former Bayh Senate colleagues interviewed were Senators Richard Lugar (R-IN), Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT).


Bayh political associates interviewed included former Indiana Congressman Lee Hamilton and former Gary, Indiana Mayor Richard Gordon Hatcher.


Former Bayh staff members interviewed, on video and by telephone as well as those who shared their memories with me by email included, in alphabetical order:

Gordon Alexander

Jay Berman

David Bochnowski

Lew Borman

Bob Boxell

Tom Connaughton

Terry Crone

Barbara Dixon

Jim Friedman

Mary Scifres Grabianowski

Bob Hinshaw

Harold Ickes

Bob Keefe

Ann Latscha

Pat Long

P.A. Mack

Louis Mahern

Ann Moreau

Bill Moreau

Fred Nation

Nancy Papas

Alan Rachles

John Reuther

David Rubenstein

Abby Saffold

Diane Meyer Simon

Joe Smith

Jeff Smulyan

Darry Sragow

Trish Whitcomb


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